Rs 7.5 million has been earned within the first 3 days since opening the Lotus Tower

Rs 7.5 million has been earned within the first 3 days since opening the Lotus Tower

A income of Rs 7.5 million has been earned within the first 3 days since opening the Lotus Tower in Colombo to the public, the Chief Administrative Officer of the Colombo Lotus Tower Company said.

During the first 3 days, about 14,000 people have visited the Colombo Lotus Tower, retired Major General Prasad Samarasinghe further said.

He also added that the time slot allowed for people to visit the Tower has also been extended since Saturday (17).

Accordingly, public can now visit to view the tower from 12:00 pm to 11:00 p.m. However, tickets will be issued only until 10:00 pm. 

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