Ranjan gets suspended prison sentence

Ranjan gets suspended prison sentence

Former Parliamentarian Ranjan Ramanayake has been found guilty in connection to the second contempt of court case that was filed against him.

The Supreme Court today issued the verdict on the case, sentencing Ramanayake to two years imprisonment suspended for five years.

Former MP had earlier pleaded guilty in the second case on contempt of court filed against him at the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.

Ranjan Ramanayake had told the court that he apologizes if the statement made by him had caused an insult to the judiciary.

The case was filed against the former Deputy Minister for allegedly making a controversial statement regarding the composition of the Supreme Court judge bench hearing the petitions filed against the President’s dissolution of Parliament in 2018.

In January last year, Ramanayake was convicted over another contempt of court charge and was sentenced to a prison term of four years rigorous imprisonment.

Despite several appeals for a special presidential pardon, Ramanayake is currently continuing to serve his prison term.



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