Makadure Madush shot dead…

Makadure Madush shot dead…

A member of an organized crime gang, Samarasinghe Arachchilage Madhush Lakshitha alias ‘Makandure Madhush’ has been killed in a shootout between a group of drug traffickers and the police.

Senior DIG in charge of the Western Province Deshabandu Tennakoon stated that the shooting took place near the Maligawatta apartment complex.

The Senior DIG stated that with the knowledge of the ‘Makandure Madush’ Police who are in the custody of the Colombo Crimes Division, a group of drug traffickers had been telephoned and asked to come near the Maligawatta apartment complex.

Police found 22 kilos of heroin worth Rs. 220 million, two pistols and a motorcycle belonging to the smugglers.
