Proposals to increase women’s representation in elections again!

Proposals to increase women’s representation in elections again!

The Forum of Women Parliamentarians has focused on making proposals to increase the representation of women in the existing electoral structure in Sri Lanka.

The Forum has decided to submit a proposal in writing to the Parliamentary Selection Committee on Elections and Elections Rules Reform, to ensure at around 30% -70% representation for women at the Parliamentary and Provincial levels to increase the representation of women in the electoral structure.

In addition, it was decided to introduce a proposal to ensure that the 25% quota of votes at the local government level remains unchanged, and to add to the election rules that all political parties allocate 50% of the national list to women.

The Parliament of Sri Lanka announces that these issues were raised at a recent meeting of the Women Parliamentarians’ Forum headed by State Minister Sudarshani Fernandopulle.

Proposals to increase the representation of women in all commissions and boards and to provide leadership positions, committee positions, executive positions and committee membership within the main party structure hierarchy were also discussed.

MPs such as Rohini Kumari Wijeratne, Geetha Kumarasinghe, Dr. Harini Amarasuriya, Manjula Dissanayake and Muditha de Zoysa were also participated this occasion with State Minister Sudarshani Fernandopulle.

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Elections and Elections has recently decided to extend the deadline for recognized political parties to submit proposals for amendments to the election and electoral structure and election rules until July 15.

Accordingly, committee president Minister Dinesh Gunawardena has requested the registered political parties to send the relevant proposals in writing before that date.

The Government informs that the proposals can be sent to the addres; Secretary, Parliamentary Selection Committee, Parliament of Sri Lanka, Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte or via the email address;[email protected].

Kushani Rohanadeera, Secretary of the Committee and Chief of the Staff and Deputy Secretary General of the Parliament had stated at a recent meeting that the Committee has received 94 suggestions and comments regarding the reform of the Elections and Elections Act.

The Government states that the role of this Special Parliamentary Committee is to identify reforms related to the structure and rules of elections and to make necessary amendments in this regard.
