No research is being done on Covid varieties, existing research has been suspended – Ravi Kumudesh

No research is being done on Covid varieties, existing research has been suspended – Ravi Kumudesh

Ravi Kumudesh, president of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists and Professionals, says there is serious doubt that the last two weeks of April will be marked by a corona control and that the last two weeks of April will be marked by a dangerous situation targeting May Day.

He says that the Ministry of Health seems to be in a state of panic regarding the covid epidemic.

“Especially in the first two weeks of March and April, we were asked about the reduction in the number of PCR tests on a number of occasions, but they remained silent.

Ravi Kumudesh points out that due to this the attention on the corona of the country has been lost and the people of the country have misunderstood this and behaved in such a manner that the disease spreads rapidly during the New Year season.

When the Ministry of Health claims that the corona is under control in the first two weeks of April, the amount of PCR tests it performs is sufficient, while giving the country complete freedom to eat during the last two weeks of April alone, it is doubtful whether the covid problem will be aimed at May Day, He says.

Until April, the Ministry of Health had identified the disease as a non-communicable disease and all tests were carried out only on patients who came to the hospital as patients, he said, adding that no scientific explanation had been given by the relevant authorities regarding the sudden onset of the disease within two weeks.

Meanwhile, according to the Minister of State for Health, this is a new variant and is becoming more prevalent among the youth, according to a research conducted by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. However, Ravi Kumudesh said that not everything was true and that no further research had been done after the initial research by the University of Japura, adding that no request had been made to do so and that all investigations into the Kovid genus had been suspended.

Top officials in the Ministry of Health said that there were no Covid strain detectors in any of the laboratories in the Ministry of Health and that they were not needed when asked to purchase them, and when asked to bring in the minimum level of PCR test kits today, he said that he was not even interested in spreading the virus. He also says that such an expression of ideology could spread a wrong idea about the disease in the country.

Ravi Kumudesh emphasized that the disease had to be brought under control again at a time when a socialized epidemic had left it out of control and the disease had to be brought under control again, adding that the Ministry of Health was late in taking decisions, not taking timely decisions and not listening to the voices of all parties in making decisions. Therefore, a scientific application is needed to control this disease. He also alleges that the Medical Research Institute has become a white elephant today.

He further said that in this case, rather than increasing the number of tests, a process should be set up to increase the number of tests carried out or systematically.
