Again 5000 allowance to Gampaha?

Again 5000 allowance to Gampaha?

A quarantine curfew has been imposed in 19 police areas in the Gampaha District to control the spread of the Covid epidemic. Many here are having a hard time finding money and basic necessities.

Especially in the Katunayake area there are people who go to work from the boarding rooms. If one of their occupants becomes infected with Covid, the others have to stay at the lodge on health advice. Or to self-quarantine. There is no chance for them to go to the shops. There is no availability of essential food items. Also, sometimes they do not even have money in their possession at that time. This puts them in a difficult position.

In other areas where curfews have been imposed, families living on daily wage labor are also facing severe hardships. They have not yet received the monthly Samurdhi allowance.

Therefore, taking this situation into consideration, Mr.Sunil Jayalath has requested the Ministry of Finance to provide an allowance of Rs. 5,000 to these people under the third phase.

